Trusted by investors
Good Samaritan Capital has consistently brought high quality real estate investment opportunities to our investors. We invest in class A and B properties that can be improved to bring returns to investors. We look for properties with a minimum of a 15% average annual return and great tax benefits.
Camino Del Sol Apartments 122 Units in Houston, TX
Good Samaritan Capital partnered with Three Pillars Capital in the acquisition of Camino Del Sol. The business plan is to elevate the Class C property to a C+ status by implementing a comprehensive renovation plan aimed at enhancing the property's interiors. This will position the asset slightly above its peers within the submarket. We intend to achieve this repositioning by providing residents with superior quality units at a more competitive price than rival properties.
Green Tree Place Apartments 196 Units in Houston, TX
Good Samaritan Capital partnered with Three Pillars Capital in the acquisition of Camino Del Sol. The business plan aims to transform the Class B property into a B+ asset by implementing a comprehensive renovation program that focuses on enhancing the property's interiors. This improvement will position the asset slightly above similar properties within the submarket, providing residents with superior quality units at a more appealing price than competitors. We intend to drive rent growth for both renovated and un-renovated units, which has been lacking in previous years.
Phoenix Village and Greystone 145 Units in Fort Smith, AR
Good Samaritan Capital partnered with Atlas Multifamily Group in this investor opportunity. Phoenix Village & La Casa Apartments is a 145-unit apartment complex located in Fort Smith, AR. The business plan involves carrying out interior and exterior renovations, rebranding La Casa Apartments with a new name, and adjusting rents to align with current market rates, ensuring a solid return for investors. This deal is a fundamental investment with a breakeven occupancy of 38%. This means that we acquired the property at a price that allows us to cover operating expenses and mortgage payments even if the occupancy rate is only 38%. Given that the property currently boasts a 95%+ occupancy rate, we consider this a low-risk investment, even during uncertain times.